Integration of Veterans and Ex-combatants into the Labour Market
Economic reintegration is one element of a long term overall reintegration process. It includes paid employment and entrepreneurship but also analysis and understanding of the context in which economic reintegration occurs (such as the impact of conflict on quality of jobs, public investments, increased mortality and disability rates, depressed overall skills levels in the workforce) and the application of that analysis to addressing economic reintegration of veterans, IDPs and returnees. Montbretia consultants have supported labour market reintegration of veterans and ex-combatants across conflict zones in Africa, MENA and Europe. Today, the company continues to provide advisory services and guidance in some of the world's most fragile and conflict affected countries.
Jordan Multi-Donor Trust Fund mid-term review
Announced at the London Conference on February 28, 2019, the Jordan Growth MDTF (USD 63 million) held its first Steering Committee meeting in June 2019 and since then has approved 27 grants in support of the Government of Jordan’s implementation of the Reform Agenda. The MDTF is co-chaired by the World Bank Group and the GoJ through the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC). Beginning in October 2022 and with a final close-out in May 2023 Montbretia consultants conducted the Mid-Term Review of the MDTF. Final report is forthcoming via the World Bank Group.
Stabilisation, Poverty and Governance Reforms: Cameroon and CAR
Montbretia continues engagement in stabilisation in Africa by providing Technical Assistance in project preparation and design for two significant interventions in Cameroon (nationally and with a focus on the NWSW regions) and in CAR. Both projects aim to contribute to stabilisation, address poverty and assist the implementation of governance reforms.
Iraq Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Fund (I3RF) MTR
Following engagement in Iraq on the Security-Development Nexus and previous through providing support to the Reconstruction Fund for Areas Affected by Terroristic Operations (REFATTO) Montbretia has been contracted to carry out the MTR of the I3RF, an MDTF contributed to by the UK, Germany, Canada and Sweden which supports the Government of Iraq implement its broad reform programme.
Korea-World Bank Partnership Facility Forward-looking Assessment
Building on our engagement with the World Bank in South East Asia (SEA) Dr. Anthony Finn has been commissioned to conduct a forward-looking assessment of the Korea World Bank Partnership Facility (KWPF). The assignment will examine the results of the facility and identify how the KWPF can best align with the World Bank's Trust Fund Umbrella 2.0 Principles while maintaining it's status as stand-alone Trust Fund. For more on the KWPF go here.
Sudan Sustainable Livelihoods Project
Montbretia has been hired to construct the M&E frameworks for the World Bank's new Sudan Sustainable Livelihoods Project. It is planned that the project will strengthen the new social contract by supporting a shift to a “people-centric” approach to development that delivers tangible and sustainable benefits to vulnerable communities and groups. The M&E Framework will encompass all aspects of the project including rural resilience, livelihoods support, social enterprise and project management and capacity building.
Creating a Typology of Armed Groups to Guide DDR
At Montbretia we are delighted that Dr. Anthony Finn has been selected as Armed Groups expert to work with our colleagues in UN DPO and FBA to conduct a viability study on armed groups typology tools for Integrated Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration processes. Drawing on 20 years work in DDR and Conflict Transformation Anthony will assess the evidence base on how fragmentation of armed groups can be addressed by identifying and adapting programmatic (DDR-related) interventions towards various types of armed groups present in a conflict environment.
Facilitating Effectiveness in ODA Co-Financing
Montbretia has been selected to assist the operationalistion of co-financing partnership between the World Bank and the Government of South Korea. South Korea is the 15th largest donor country and has long standing cooperation with the World Bank Group including in co-fianancing. Montbretia will facilitate the cooperation between partners to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of Korea-WBG co-financing. Co-financing is a well-established way of working for development. Donors, multilateral institutions, and development agencies come together to assist developing countries with a variety of projects to improve people’s lives. When partners jointly finance a program or project, they each bring the best they can offer to the deal. Done well, cofinancing leverages the resources—funding, knowledge, and expertise—of all partners, to the greater benefit of the poor.
Revision of IDDRS: Monitoring and Evaluating DDR
Montbretia has been commissioned to review and update Module 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluating Integrated DDR in mission and non-mission settings. Montbretia consultants bring 16 years of DDR M&E including financing, project, programme and impact assessments to the revision of this critical module in the DDR standards. Once again we are working with colleagues at Bonn International Centre for Conversion, the Inter-Agency Working Group on DDR, UNDPO and UNDP to revise this module of the Integrated Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Standards.
Iraq: Youth, the Labour Market and the Security Development Nexus
Montbretia has been hired to work on the Security Development Nexus in Iraq with a large team of cross-disciplinary experts. Currently we are exploring youth demographics and aspirations, supply and demand side labour market dynamics and the potential for evidence based interventions that contribute to violence reduction and peace building while also returning economic benefits, particularly to youth at risk. This complex and phased project is both challenging and filled with potential for developing evidence-based interventions in the Security Development Nexus in Iraq.
Revision of IDDRS Level 3
Montbretia has been contracted via Bonn International Centre for Conversion to work with the Inter-Agency Working Group on DDR to revise Module 3.0 of the Integrated Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Standards. Module 3.0 focuses on the National Institutions of DDR as well as Mission and Programme Support, Personnel and Staffing, Funding and Financial Management. The revision of the IDDRS is critical in the new environments in which DDR and associated programming including Security Sector Reform (SSR) are implemented.
We are delighted to be working with old and new colleagues from across the UN family and in BICC. Project timeline is Q3 and Q4 2020.
Community Engagement, Municipal Services and Built Environment in Jeddah
Montbretia has been hired to advise on developing a holistic approach to Community Engagement for Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Jeddah's importance ranges from being the principal gateway to Mecca to being an thriving economic hub. Integral to its current and future importance to the region and the world are the diverse communities living in Jeddah. These communities can enable the city to meet the challenges it faces and to capitalise on the opportunities presented by growth and inclusion. Integral to managing growth is the engagement of communities to meaningfully participate in setting and realising a vision for Jeddah that includes elevating it to become one of the most liveable cities worldwide.
Jya Mbere Rwanda: Socio-Economic Inclusion of Refugees and Host Communities Project
Montbretia has been hired to assist the Government of Rwanda (MINEMA) establish project and impact M&E structures for the US$35 million Jya Mbere project that aims to improve basic services and provide access to economic opportunities for host and refugee populations in Rwanda as well as to support environmental management.
Rwanda hosts 149,602 refugees mainly from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Burundi. The majority of refugees live in six camps spread across the country with over 70 percent being women and children. Rwanda is a signatory of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework and through the Jya Mbere project is implementing commitments made under the Strategic Plan for Refugee Inclusion.
The assignment will be carried out by Dr. Anthony Finn who will work with MINEMA and the World Bank to devise all M&E frameworks including baseline and social cohesion measurement.
China-World Bank Partnership Facility
Montbretia has been commissioned to conduct the mid-term review of the China-World Bank Partnership Facility. Established in 2015 the US$50 million trust fund has financed a number of projects, operations and cooperation that have aimed to help reduce poverty. When it was created the trust fund was heralded as a reinforcement of the World Bank's partnership with China, which is the Bank’s third-largest shareholder and an important contributor to the Bank’s International Development Assistance (IDA) and Global Infrastructure Facility.
The mid-term review will be conducted during the first half of 2020 and among other things will assess how the trust fund has enhanced cooperation between China and the World Bank Group, and how it has leveraged financial and knowledge-based resources to help developing countries achieve inclusive and sustainable development.
Save the Children - Global Adolescence Strategic Framework
Montbretia is delighted to be working with Save the Children to review the effectiveness of the organisation's work with and for Adolescents, derive good practice and develop a Global Holistic Adolescent Development Strategic Framework. This project will run throughout 2020 and will be carried out by a team from Montbretia in close thought partnership with a team from Save the Children.
Image Credit: UNHCR Ireland
Community Sponsorship Ireland - Standard Operating Procedures
Following the successful completion of the evaluation of CSI, Montbretia has been commissioned to develop the Standard Operating Procedures for the project. CSI is a uniquely Irish approach to the sponsorship of resettled refugees by private citizens and CSOs/NGOs. The Irish model utilises a broad alliance of ordinary citizens and established state and civil society organisations to welcome newly resettled refugees and provide material and integration supports for refugee families.
Image Credit: Amnesty International
Community Sponsorship Ireland - Knoweldge and Learning Capture
Montbretia has been hired by the Irish Department of Justice and Equality (Irish Refugee Protection Programme) to conduct the knowledge and learning capture of the Community Sponsorship Ireland pilot programme. CSI is a uniquely Irish approach to the sponsorship of resettled refugees by private citizens and CSOs/NGOs. The Irish model utilises a broad alliance of ordinary citizens and established state and civil society organisations to welcome newly resettled refugees and provide material and integration supports for refugee families.
Economic Reconstruction in Donetsk and Luhansk
Montbretia is assessing the parameters for Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine. The output of the project is a discussion document considering international best practices and first principles of economic post-conflict reconstruction that may have applicability in the non-government controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts.
New Beginnings for Ex-Combatants in Rwanda
Between 2008 and 2018 the Director of Montbretia Dr. Anthony Finn worked with the World Bank and with the Rwandan Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission on the Emergency Demobilisation and Reintegration Programme and the Second Emergency Demobilisation and Reintegration Programme (SEDRP). In the latter stages of the SEDRP Anthony partnered with Rwandan consultancy firm Kash Consult to carry out successive national surveys on the reintegration of ex-combatants. The World Bank gives an excellent insight into the substantial impact of the project in the lives of ex-combatants, their families and Rwanda itself and discusses the innovations of the project in mental health service provision and deferred social and economic benefits to family and spouses of ex-combatants. Full story here on the World Bank site.